Come along with me as I transform my country house into a home my family and I will enjoy for the rest of my life....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


  • Select a variety of peach tree that is proven to grow in your area.
  • Choose a peach tree sapling with a straight trunk and strong, pliable branches.
  • Select a site that is flat with good circulation and drainage.
  • Water your peach tree deeply and add a new fertilizer spike about every 3 weeks.
  • Prune regularly, especially when the tree is young, to ensure a productive tree.
  • Cut back nursery tree to 24 - 36 inches and remove lateral branches flush with the trunk.
  • Place alunimum foil on the bottom 18 inches of the trunk.
  • After growth begins in the Spring, select the strongest 3-5 shoots rising from the top 6 inches on the main trunk.
  • During the next dormant season, remove everything down to the strongest 3 or 4 limbs.
  • With good care, the growth that is produced in the second growing season should produce a first crop the following year.

1 quart milk plus 1 cup
1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 small can evaporated milk
1 pint whipping cream
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons vanilla flavoring
3 cups (or less) mashed peaches (fresh), mixed with 3/4 cups sugar and juice of 1 lemon.

Combine first 6 ingredients and freeze to a mush in an electric or hand-turned freezer. Add peaches mixture and freeze hard. Remove dasher and pack with ice and salt until ready to serve. Keeps well in deep freeze without getting icy.

Recipe from